What is this? |
I made this page because a friend of mine request me. There are sample C/C++
programs. Many of them I made for help my friends. |
Pascal - like Strings with C++ Class |
This program shows how wa can create C++ class for strings, including
operator overloading. [Source] |
Making PostGreSQL connection. |
This program shows how we can write a program that connect to PostGreSQL
database and request data from it. The example is not complicated at all. There are two
versions. The new one HAS security BUGS(!!!) for educational purposes :))) [Source] |
mktemp() interface for SHell script |
Simple interface for SHell scripts [source] |
Coder |
Program encoding/decoding several formats (HTML, C++, URL etc...) for SHell
scripts. You may see here some tricks with C preprocesor. [source] Required mad.tar.gz |
see also: [My Libs] [My Linux Pages] [A_DBC Project] [SHell script pages] |