Nothing special... Part of crontab...
#!/bin/sh SERVICE=$1 if ( ! ps -axe | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null ) ; then $SERVICE; fi |
The script is part of my crontab. It check every 10 min, for these services. If a service i failed (crashed), the script send a mail to selected persons...
#!/bin/sh RCPT="" #idea: #HOST=`cat /etc/HOSTNAME` HOST="FOO" isOk(){ if ( ps -axe | grep $1 > /dev/null ) ; then printf "OK" ; else printf "FAIL" ; fi } lookup(){ if [ `isOk $1` = "FAIL" ] ; then MSG="$HOST - $1 is down" echo $MSG | mail $RCPT -s "$MSG" ; fi } lookup httpd lookup named lookup inetd |
Every system administrator must take a look of some places on the web (like every few time. But the most of sysops (like me) forgot to do this...
This script go to these pages, then send a mail with attachments... Put it in crontab...
#!/bin/sh wwwreminder(){ NAME=$1 WHERE=$2 lynx -source "$WHERE" | uuencode "$NAME".htm } RCPT="" mail -s "www reminder" $RCPT << [DONE] Hi my Master, here you are the most important pages for you... `wwwreminder "Postgres" ""` `wwwreminder "Rootshell" ""` `wwwreminder "mod-ssl" ""` `wwwreminder "sendmail" ""` [DONE] |
exends fromdos command
#!/bin/sh fromdos <$1> $1.fromdos rm $1 mv $1.fromdos $1 |
One of My first scripts. Before i made it we FTP the log file, then import it in MsAccess, then count it with SQL..
#!/bin/sh printf "web site results:" cat /var/lib/httpd/logs/access_log |\ grep "GET $1" |\ wc -l |
..or new version
#!/bin/sh LOG=/var/lib/httpd/logs/access_log printf "web site results:" cat $LOG | grep "GET $1" | wc -l |
extention of popular console MP3 player. Dive into subdirs and play all *.mp3 files using mpg123
#!/bin/sh Play(){ while read FILE; do echo playing "$FILE" mpg123 "$FILE" done } Pass(){ while read DIR; do cd "$DIR" pwd if [ $Racurs ]; then if [ $Racurs = "-r" ]; then ls -1p | grep "/" | Pass fi fi ls -1 *.mp3 2 > /dev/null | Play cd .. done } if [ ! $1 ]; then cat << [END] ================ mpg123 extention ================ (c)opyleft 07.1999, Nikolay Mijaylov Mijaylov, Copying: GPL !!! Usage: mp3 dir [-r] Check whole directory for *.mp3, then play them dir directory with *.mp3 files -r perform recursive search [END] exit fi Racurs=$2; echo "$1" | Pass |